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30 Woodbine St. Somerville MA 02143


Employment Opportunity
Closet Solutions is always looking for qualified personnel.
Please send your resume to

                              '...I do have one guilty pleasure'

"I don’t take fancy vacations. I buy my jewelry at TJMAXX. It’s been a while since I spent a lot on dinner out. We live in a modest 2 bedroom condo and my twins share a room. 

But I do have one guilty pleasure - my wardrobe. I want to look nice no matter what. My clothes make me feel taller. They make me feel sexy. They make me feel powerful.

When it came time to pick a closet company I wanted the best design for a closet to help keep my wardrobe nicely organized. Closet Solutions did the job perfectly.

I ordered the work out of sheer need for more storage space and what I got was unexpectedly – real luxury. I would use your company again – yes, I would."

                                                       Tracy G.


Porter Square Cambridge
"Closet Space. It's crucial to 99.999% of buyers." 

'It's universal. It's a deal breaker and a deal maker. It sells homes. It could sell yours. So what do you do if you don't have it? Creating more storage space where there isn't much takes some work, but it isn't rocket science.'
Jeff C - real estate broker
'...the closet rods are not closet rods at all. They are old pipes. Seriously. They are not active, and I have no idea how they got in to the apartment and I will eventually have to take them out with a hacksaw.

 The most frustrating thing is that they have a larger diameter than a standard closet rod so most hangers don't fit on them. Only wire hangers from the dry cleaners that can be stretched to fit the pipe will work.

Please help. I have 29.5 years left on my mortgage and I can't keep living out of duffel bags. '                  
                                                       Lydia B of Cambridge
email me
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the owners of the company - bypassing all others. 
The #1 Alternative To Overpriced Cookie-Cutter Closets
And What About the 'Clutter - to - Happiness' Ratio?

Disorderly homes weigh on people's minds more than you might expect. Likewise, 'outer order' supports inner calm. Ever notice how messy areas tend to get worse?

Once your dining room table is cleared off, you're happier. That's until the mail and things pile up again.

Find proper places for things - and always put them there. When the lights begin to flicker you'll need the flashlight. Finding it without searching high and low is very satisfying. Your efforts to create order will tip the clutter - to - happiness ratio in your favor. 
Porter Square, Cambridge
Porter Square, CambridgePorter Square, CambridgePorter Square, Cambridge
Porter Square, Cambridge


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